Saturday, December 6, 2014

Speaking/Listening Log Feedback

I have finished listening to all of your Speaking/Listening Log entries. Terrific work everybody! I really enjoyed all the topics you chose and I wish we had more time to talk about them :)

Please review my comments on you feedback form which you can find in Google Drive. You should include this form on your eportfolio with your best samples. In Drive you can print it as a pdf and upload to the eportfolio.

Also, I forgot to ask you to fill out a class feedback form on Tuesday (only Vivi, Lance, and Jean had a chance to). Could you please fill one out on Monday after your interview? Thank you!

Good luck with your preparations~~~

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Open Studios

~Hello Everyone~

Please join me at my studio next Saturday!

Monti Building 925 Bergen St. #207
Saturday December 13th 12:00-5:00

Here is the FB invite (not sure if it will work)

There will be many studios open so it's a good chance to meet some artists in the neighborhood :)  Feel free to bring friends!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Possible E-portfolio Projects

Speaking/Listening Log
- choose the 3 best iMovies
- feedback form from Google Drive printed as pdf

Artist Interview
-2 paragraphs

PS1 Interview
-2 paragraphs

MOMA Conversation
-notes from the museum talk

Scary Story
-notes on how to tell a scary story
-at home practice video
-in class practice

Error Correction Conversation

-Flashcards app

Midterm Test
-feedback on Google Drive

Cabin in The Woods

Final Speaking Test

Monday, November 17, 2014

Assignment: Present Your Interview

Due: Friday 11/21

Write 2 paragraphs about your interview. In the first paragraph, summarize the most interesting ideas that you discussed and learned from the artist you interviewed. In the second paragraph, give a response including your opinion of the interview process, the work, and the ideas that you discussed.

Use both quoted and reported speech. If there was a particular phrase or description that the artist used that you would like to share, then keep it in direct speech. Use reported speech to summarize what was said in general. Remember to change the verb tense where needed.

Print a copy of your summary and response and bring it to class. Be sure to include your name, date, the class, and assignment in the top left. Double space and use 12 pt. font.

Present a 5 minute clip from your interview.  This can be a continuous 5 minute section or you can edit together a few different parts.  Choose a section that best reflects your speaking skills and the ideas that you were able to elicit during the interview.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Assignment: Pronunciation + Grammar Correction

Review your feedback from your Listening/Speaking logs and your Midterm Evaluation.

Choose 7 words that you had trouble pronouncing.
Choose 3 grammar points that you used incorrectly.

With your partner, write a conversation in which you use ALL 14 words (7 for you and 7 for your partner) and 6 grammar points (3 for you and 3 for your partner) correctly. Try to repeat the words and grammar points several times in your conversation.

You can listen to the pronunciation of words in many dictionaries online, or you can ask me or a native speaker for the correct way to say it.

Present your conversation in the next class. You may present a video or a live conversation. Provide two typed copies of your transcript with the words and grammar points underlined.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

listening Dahyun


Midterm Speaking Test

You have until the end of class to complete this assignment. Please read the instructions carefully.

Choose 3 Works

Prepare a Description + Opinion
Take notes or write a script to describe the work of art and give your opinion. Be sure to identify the work with the artist’s name, the title, year, and the medium. Use 3 vocabulary words from the Midterm list in the Flashcards app for each image your choose.

You may read some of the descriptions on the Met’s website to get ideas, but your descriptions should be in your own words. Look at the images and talk about what you see, think, and feel. Imagine the artist’s process of making the work. Feel free to make connections to other artists or artwork that you know about.

Make an iMovie
Make an iMovie with the three images and record your spoken descriptions.
Time: 5-7 minutes in total.

Upload your movie to YouTube. Title your video “Midterm Speaking Test.” In the text box describing your YouTube video, give the 9 vocabulary words you used.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Log #3 - speaking - Jian

log#3-speaking ruoxue

log#2-listening ruoxue

log#1-speaking ruoxue

log3# -speaking vivi

Speaking/Listening Log

Hi Everybody!

Today you should have 4 entries in your logs completed: 2 in which you are speaking about a photo you took, and 2 in which you are speaking about something you listened to.

Do not fall behind with these! It's going to be very hard to catch up later.

You do not need to post all of your entries on this blog. They should be on your YourTube channel. I have linked to everyone's channels here on the right ------> except for Dahyun and Ruoxue!

Dahyun, you need to put your log entries on a YoutTube channel so I can link to them.
Ruoxue, I do not see yours anywhere.

Log#3 - Speaking - Jean

Sunday, September 28, 2014

At the NY Art Book Fair

On Friday we went to the NY Art Book Fair at PS 1 in Long Island City, Queens. I’ve asked you to write two paragraphs of about 8-12 sentences each and I thought I’d take the challenge myself and tell you about a person that I talked with.

At the Brooklyn table I met Marshall Weber, an experimental printmaker. I was drawn to a giant book high up on a shelf that was wide open, displaying large sheets of handmade marbleized paper. He said to let him know if there was anything he could show me. I pointed to the book and asked if I could see it, and he happily took it down and laid it out on the table. He explained that the artist, who goes by the cryptic name Sto Len, used a Japanese marbleizing technique called suminagashi. I don’t know how marbleizing from various countries differs, but the basic technique involves floating drops of liquid oil-based paint or dye on water, running a comb or brush over the surface to create a pattern, and then laying paper down on top of that to pick up the paint. Marshall explained that the artist used a kiddie pool in his studio to make large-scale marbleized papers.

The large, thick pages of the book were covered edge to edge in swirling colors. Each page had a different color scheme: some were pastel and others more saturated. The cover of the book was equally compelling. It was bound in black cloth that had been splattered with bleach, creating a kind of exploded supernova across the front. There was no text. Marshall did tell me the title of the book, but I’ve forgotten it. I asked if that was the only copy but he said there were more as he pointed to a stack behind him, and there even was a smaller version that looked nearly identical.

After looking though that book, I noticed another enormous handmade book on the table, which Marshal said he had made himself. He made space on the table and then flipped through the pages for me. They were very delicate, soft white, translucent pages with prints made from the rubbings of plaques found in New York City: one of the Chrysler Building and the other of the Statue of Liberty. They were printed multiple times with the textures varying in each. He then went on to pull out and describe another handmade book that he made while in Beijing a few years back. The right page of the book was a rubbing made in red wax of a man-hole cover or other raised or engraved city feature. I didn’t completely understand the process, but Marshall said that he applied ink over the rubbing, then closed the book and either jumped on it or put heavy furniture on it so that opposite page made a kind of print. The result was a mirror image, but without the red of the original rubbing.

Out of all the tables I stopped at and people I spoke with, Marshall was by far the friendliest and most eager to talk about the process of making the books. I’m glad I had a chance to talk with him and I hope to run into him again one day.

Now it's your turn! I'd like you to type and print it. It's easier for me to give you feedback that way!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Assignment: PS 1 Interviews

Meet at PS 1 at 2pm for the NY Art Book Fair.

Look and decide.
Work with a partner.
Find a booth (a table) that you are interested in.
Look at the books carefully.
Write 5 questions for the person behind the table.

Introduce yourself and your assignment.
Your partner should listen and take notes during the conversation.
Discuss the interview with your partner when you are finished.

Write about it!
Due Tuesday 09/30
Write two paragraphs about the interviews. Describe the type of books you saw. Summarize the information you learned from the person at the booth.

Each paragraph should be 8-12 sentences in length. Double space and use 12pt font. Print it and bring it to class.
log #1 speaking_Lance
My first pet
log #2 listening_Lance

yeonsoo kim -log#2

Log #2 - listening - Jian

Log #1 - speaking - Jian

Friday, September 19, 2014


This video is about our opinions and questions during the Gallery Talk of the photographic practices in the studio at MOMA.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Assignment: Speaking/Listening Log

A "log" is an official record of events during the voyage of a ship or aircraft. In this class you will create an ongoing log to demonstrate your speaking and listening skills.

Every week in this class you should create and add two 3-minute movies to your log. Your entries should be uploaded to your YouTube page.

In one entry, choose any photos or video (without sound) that you took. Create a 3-minute movie and use the voice-over tool to record your description and opinion of the image.

In the other entry, choose a photo or video that is related to something you listened to. This can be a movie, a TV show in English, a song, a podcast, or a conversation with a native speaker. Create a 3-minute movie and use the voice-over tool to record your description and opinion of the information that you listened to.

Title your log entries like this:
Log #1 - Speaking: My Friends
Log #2 - Listening: Art 21 Oliver Herring

Thing to Remember:
Write down vocabulary that you will need before you record your voice.
Don't write a script, but work from notes.
For the listening entry, if you use a photo that not yours, credit the source.
Review your feedback from previous assignments and try to make improvements.

Reminder - Due Today!

  • Present your iMovie in which you talk about one image for 3 minutes.
  • Show your video conversation about the gallery talk at the MoMA. Here is the assignment again:

Listening/Speaking Assignment- Gallery Talk

Person, Place, Thing: Photographic Practices in the Studio
At the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

1:15pm - Meet on the 3rd floor in the Edward Steichen Photography Gallery.

a notebook
a pen/pencil.

During the talk:
Stand near the speaker so you can hear and see well.
Listen to everything the speaker says.
Even if you don’t understand, keep listening.
Notice the rhythm and pronunciation of the words.
Pick out words that you can understand.
Try to follow the idea.
Take notes if possible.
Look at the images carefully.

After the talk:
Study the images again.
Write three questions for your partner about the talk.
Who… What… Where… When… Why… How…
Ask me if you need help with question form.
Show your partner the questions and let him/her think about them.

Make a video:
Go to the sculpture garden or find a comfortable and quiet place to make a video.
Record your conversation.
Introduce yourselves and what you will be discussing briefly.
Ask your questions.
Try to sound as natural as possible.
Let the conversations develop.
Talk to each other and to the camera.
The camera person should keep time: signal at 4 minutes and stop at 5.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Assignment: Describe Your Photo

This is a photo that I took in Yogyakarta, Indonesia last year. These women are part of collective that makes traditional batik sarongs and fabrics. Listen to my 3 minute description:

My vocabulary words: elder, collective, fabric, village complex, batik, wax, tool, dip, dye, negative

Now it's your turn!
  • Choose a photo that you took that is related to art, design, or architecture. 
  • Write down 10 specific vocabulary words that you will need to describe the image. You can use a dictionary.
  • Import the photo into iMovie***
  • Use the voice-over function to record your voice.***
  • Describe the photo and give your opinion of what's going on. Talk about what you were doing and why you took the photo.
  • Speak for at least three minutes.
  • Do not write a script. You may use notes. 
  • Work on grammar and/or pronunciation that was discussed in the previous presentation.
  • Upload the file to YouTube.***
  • Create a post on this blog with your video.
  • Share it with us in the next class. 
***In iMovie, create a new movie. Import your photograph. Drag the photo into the work space. Make your movie 3 minutes long. Click "V" to see the microphone. Record your voice. Share to YouTube! Be patient, it takes time.